Monday, October 01, 2012

LEGO Robotics: STEM Sport of the Mind

My article on the STEM Learning applications of LEGO Robotics appeared in the August edition of ISTE's Learning & Leading with Technology magazine. Thanks very much to Luke Laurie, Ian Chow Miller, Dwayne Abuel, and Evan Weinstein for granting me yet another interview for this article. I interviewed them (and many others) at greater length for the book, Getting Started with LEGO Robotics, which explores many of the same themes, although in much greater depth.

Look inside >
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Lego Robotics: STEM Sport of the Mind
Click on the photo to view the article. This e-reader may be adjusted for display size, etc.

Click on book cover for information

Click on book cover for information
Getting Started with LEGO Robotics. Anyone who works with kids can do LEGO Robotics, a rich and highly motivating platform for important STEM Learning! (surprisingly affordable, too) This books explains it all!