Recapturing Technology for Education Makes the Top 10 List of EdTech Books!!!
My book made it to the #4 spot on the list. Receiving this honor is a great way to finish up the decade!
From: edtech tools
Hotlist: Top 10 Edtech Books of the Decade
In Hotlist on December 16, 2009 at 5:31 pm
"4 Recapturing Technology for Education: Keeping Tomorrow in Today’s Classroom by Mark Gura and Bernard Percy (ScarecrowEducation, 2005). From the former head of technology for New York City Schools (Gura) and the editor in chief of an award-winning education magazine (Percy) comes an interesting and lighthearted look at instructional technology mixed with catchy quotes, formative phrases, and hard-won experience. It’s at once serious and lighthearted, filled with great stories and actionable advice. Amazon "