The umbrella factory is but one example of preserved technology that fully expresses the living nature of classic Thai art, craft, and reverence for nature. Furthermore, it shows how Thais fully understand their place in the world and its current state. Not only were they offering unique, quality products, utilitarian and artful at the same time, but they understood and advertised their vast ecological superiority to the crappy, nylon and plastic versions sold throughout the West that pollute the environment and make everything a little bit cheaper and tackier. These umbrella entrepreneurs are no eco-trendoids, though. They are sophisticated business people who will accept your credit card for a purchase in a heartbeat. Down the road you’ll find KFC, Burger King, and more that the Thais have picked and chosen from the west as they continue in their wonderful way of crafting today’s Thailand as a blend of the old with the new.
What results is a confident, self assured nation of people who, if not the world's richest, are by no means poor. The good manners, joie de vivre, and purposefulness that they pursue their lives with I found to be both humbling and inspiring.