Book by Gura and King Considered Top STEM Resource for Teachers

From the Berkshire STEM Pipeline website a glowing review of Classroom Robotics
(click on the link below for the full text of the review)
Have you ever wanted more information about a particular subject? Were you able to find what you needed written in a book? Well, let me tell you that I just happened to pick a book titled, "Classroom Robotics Case Stories of 21st Century Instruction for Millennial Students", edited by Mark Gura and Kathleen P. King, as a last resort when I couldn't obtain one of my first three choices (always the case when you are looking for information on any topic, right?). I was in for a wonderful treat, which I hadn't expected, since I was still feeling quite glum at not getting one of my top picks on the subject of classroom robotics. My interest level in robotics increased when I attended a seminar at MCLA this fall, hence one of the reasons for my search for more on the topic. This book turned out to be just what I was looking for to help me understand many facets about classroom robotics which I had been intrigued with for some time. As the title suggested, I was expecting to read stories from teachers who had incorporated robotics in their classrooms. It was even more than just teachers' experiences! This was the wonderful treat! I had wanted to learn how to start robotics either in the classroom or as an after school program. Where did I start? How did I know which materials to choose? How does robotics fit into the fifth grade curriculum? I had so many questions- many of which were answered by reading this book. This book provided the best tool I could have hoped for as one of its main purposes was to reach out to people like myself just starting to explore the idea of classroom robotics... (for full text click link below)
Classroom Robotics: Case Stories of 21st Century Instruction for Millennial Students
edited by Mark Gura and Kathleen P. King
reviewed by Paul Duhon, Lee Elementary School
Classroom Robotics: Case Stories of 21st Century Instruction for Millennial Students
edited by Mark Gura and Kathleen P. King
reviewed by Paul Duhon, Lee Elementary School
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Berkshire STEM Pipeline Resource Page:
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Berkshire STEM Pipeline Network website: